Care and Conserve
How We Help
The City of Atlanta recognizes that there are times when families and individuals face financial hardships and need help paying for essential services like water. The City offers financial assistance to low to moderate income ratepayers who are having difficulty paying water and sewer bills through an innovative program called Care & Conserve.
The Care & Conserve program takes the further step of helping these ratepayers prevent future high bills by providing assistance with plumbing problems and with the installation of water efficiency devices. Care and Conserve benefits all customers of the Department of Watershed Management by helping to reduce the burden of outstanding debt on the system and by promoting the most efficient use of our water resources.
Plumbing Repair Assistance – Provided through grant funding to local non-profits
Click here if you are a homeowner interested in plumbing assistance.
Bill Payment Assistance
If you are a renter or homeowner interested in bill payment assistance, please continue below.
What are the qualifications to apply for Bill Payment Assistance?
Bill Payment Assistance Qualifications
Receive a water bill directly from the City of Atlanta
(Exceptions; Power of attorney and wards of persons with an active account)
- The customer must currently live on the property for which assistance is requested
- Water service is legally on and the account is active
- Residence meets structural, meter size and residential qualifications
- Residential occupants meet income eligibility requirements defined
- Renters are required to provide the mailing and contact information for the landlord of the property
- The account must have gone through six (6) billing cycles and have a past due amount of $300 or more at the time of application
* An inconsistent payment history may result in a denial of CCPRP assistance. A broken payment arrangement may result in a denial of CCPRP assistance. An established payment pattern or payment arrangements may be required for a portion of the past due bills in order to receive CCPRP assistance. Arrangement amounts are based upon bill balances and payment history.
Will I need to submit any documents to qualify?
Yes. Click the link to view some of the documents needed to qualify watch the Documentation for Care and Conserve Payment Assistance video for more details.
Do not submit any supporting documents until a Care & Conserve representative contacts you to confirm eligibility.
Ineligible Customers
Landlords with properties that have the water bill in their name, and duplexes and triplexes with a single meter are not eligible for Care and Conserve for assistance.
How do I request a Care and Conserve Bill Payment Assistance application?
There are three options for customers to apply for bill payment assistance:
Option 1: Click here to apply online. (Watch the application video before applying)
Option 2: Download and print the application, then return it to the Care and Conserve office.
Option 3: Call the Care Conserve office at (404) 546-3620 to request an application by mail.
Duplicate application submittals may result in a delay in the application process.
Where do the funds for Care & Conserve come from?
Care & Conserve is funded through voluntary customer contributions, corporate donations, grants and monies set aside by the City of Atlanta.
How do I contribute or make a donation?
You can donate to the Care & Conserve Program via your online account at
You can also visit the Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority (FACAA) website
look for the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).

Our Address
Department of Watershed Management Administrative Offices
72 Marietta Street NE
Mon-Fri – 8:15 am to 5:00 pm
City Directory
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