Community Outreach Education
The Department of Watershed Management Office of Communications and Community Relations’ educational outreach team work in partnership with schools, aftercare programs, summer camps and universities across the metro Atlanta area to deliver high quality water education enrichment experiences to students.
Experience the engaging atmosphere of one of our hands-on workshops or group seminars, designed to enhance student’s knowledge on our most precious natural resource and offer a wonderful balance of learning and fun.
Our Educational Outreach Program meets the Common Core Standards in the following areas: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Literacy in Science, History/Social Studies, and technical subjects; Science Education Standards: Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas; Ocean Literacy: The Essential Principles of Ocean Sciences K-12

See Us In Action!
We offer teachers well-designed, age appropriate school visits that support educational curriculum standards.
* All DWM education workshops integrate hands-on materials and activities designed by our DWM Educational Outreach team to provide unique, high quality learning experiences.
* Meet current education standards bringing classroom environmental science and engineering to real-life application
* Develop 21st century learning skills of communication, collaboration, critical-thinking, and problem solving
We encourage teacher preview collaboration calls to help plan your classroom visit. Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us at to schedule your visit in advance.
Educational Outreach Workshops are 45 minutes. Review some of our available options below, and register your class today.
Grades (Pre-K — 1st) | Earth Science, Reading
A claymation tale of talking animals and African adventure are sure to thrill the imaginations of your class in this workshop. Following the video, students will engage in discussion around the water cycle and use fine motor skills to construct an “umbrella” art project with assistance.
Standards Addressed
* Before Your Visit Worksheet
* During Your Visit Worksheet
* After Your Visit Worksheet
Grades (2nd – 4th) | Environmental Science, Sustainability
Engaging students in the scientific method can be a challenge, but not when they are exploring hands-on in competition with their friends! In this workshop. Students begin by watching an engaging video on water and wastewater treatment before taking inspiration from the scientific method, form a hypothesis around which material is most likely to dissolve in water (toilet paper, a flushable wipe, or a paper towel) and test their hypothesis firsthand. The experiment ties into the video once the students recount their conclusions and realize the issues flushing items other than toilet paper can cause our infrastructure facilities.
Standards Addressed
* Before Your Visit Worksheet
* During Your Visit Worksheet
* After Your Visit Worksheet
Grades (2nd – 4th) | Recreational Games, Sustainability
Great for students with extra energy who enjoy being active, in our field day relays, students will learn the dangers of fats, oils and grease going down the drains and the importance of picking up pet waste to ensure that our storm water stays contaminant free. These events require extra space and time. We recommend a gymnasium or outdoor area.
Standards Addressed
* Before Your Visit Worksheet
* During Your Visit Worksheet
* After Your Visit Worksheet
We want your scholars to get the very most of your classroom time with us, so we’ve put together a 10-step checklist for you to help them do just that.
1. Book your School Visit as soon as you can. Our calendar fills up rapidly.
2. We will send you a confirmation email a week before your School Visit. If we have any details wrong, please let our education outreach coordinator know.
3. Safety first. If you are taking a tour, please read our safety recommendations and tell our education outreach coordinator of any special needs.
4. Send our education outreach manager an email with the names of every child in your class at least 48 hours before your visit.
While you’re with us
5. If you are taking a tour, please be on time. Our tours are guided by plant supervisors whose primary responsibility is ensuring our water quality. The later you are, the less time your students will have with them!
6. Throughout the visit, our educational outreach team will look to you and your colleagues to make sure your class are behaving well.
7. We’d love it if you could go around the room encouraging the children while they’re engaged in our workshop.
8. Want extra classroom resources or a DWM giveaway bag to take home with you? Of course you do! Just ask the educational outreach coordinator at least 48 hours before the scheduled visit and they’ll bring some extras along!
9. When you get a chance, we would love to hear from you again to find out what you thought of your morning with us. Everything from what we did well to what we could do better. There’s a link at the bottom of your confirmation email – just click it to give us your feedback .
10. Finally, thank you for helping with our quest to pique your scholars’ interest in sustainability and water infrastructure. It would be great if you could try to keep up your class’ enthusiasm for water conservation and protection, even after they say goodbye to us.
Our itineraries cover what to expect from the moment we arrive to the moment we leave your students with a smile and a bag filled with DWM giveaways. It has never been easier to plan around a classroom guest.
Discover what’s in store <- Link Safety first (then lots of fun). If your class is taking a tour we’ve put this list of safety recommendations together for your class to make sure everyone stays safe and sound.
Our Address
Department of Watershed Management Administrative Offices
72 Marietta Street NE
Mon-Fri – 8:15 am to 5:00 pm
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