Media Advisory: DWM to Conduct Pump Station Testing
Phone: 404-546-3200
DWM to Conduct Pump Station Testing
Atlanta – The Department of Watershed Management (DWM) will conduct pump evaluation and testing at the Adamsville Pumping Station to determine current capacity and system operating pressures.
Testing of the pumps at the Adamsville Pump Station will start Saturday, November 7, 2020, at 11 a.m., and continue through Sunday, November 8, 2020, until 4 a.m. During the testing, at least one pump will be operational and there will be no decrease in water capacity or pressure.
These pump station tests are part of DWM’s commitment to operational efficiency of our critical water infrastructure, which is outlined in the department’s Strategic Plan 2022: A One Water Vision. The Department’s infrastructure reliability objectives include minimizing the number and duration of service disruptions and impacts while ensuring infrastructure investments remain aligned with anticipated growth, community needs, and resilience.
For more information, please visit our website, and connect with us Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at ATLWatershed.
