Traffic Advisory: Installation of New Service Lines and Large Meters Requires Temporary Water Interruption at 367 Parkway Drive NE and 400 Paines Avenue NW
Office of Communications & Community Relations
Phone: 678-387-9878
For Immediate Release
January 10, 2023
Installation of New Service Lines and Large Meters Requires Temporary Water Interruption
at 367 Parkway Drive NE and 400 Paines Avenue NW
Who: City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management (DWM)
What: Installation of new service lines and large meters
When: Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: 367 Parkway Drive NE (Wabash Avenue and Ralph McGill Boulevard NE) and 400 Paines Avenue NW (Proctor and Neal Street NW)
The City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management (DWM) will install service lines and large meters at 367 Parkway Drive NE and 400 Paines Avenue NW. The work will take place on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Water service will be temporarily interrupted during the duration of the work.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ATL311 at (404) 546-0311.